I Finally Got My Past,
Present And Future
Tenses Correct Today.
I Loved You.. I Love
You.. I Will Love You
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No one is too young
for love, because love
doesn’t come from
your mind, which
knows your age, but
from your heart,
which knows no age.
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At The Touch Of Love,
Everyone Becomes A
Poet….. Is It True ?
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Birds dat live n a lake
will fly away when d
lake dries up. But
lotus that grows in d
same lake will die
with d lake, dats d
commitment in LOVE.
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When lots of pple
start to love u, u may
get confused whom
to love. Just tell them
I hate u, everyone will
get back but not the
person who loves u
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Each Day I Meet
Someone New, But
Never Find Another
YOU, The World Is Full
Of People Its True, Yet
No one Ever Equals a
person Sweet Like U.
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How cute! A boy & a
girl were playing
hide-seek.. She sent a
SMS:” If you find me,
you can marry me.. If
you can’t I’m
hidden in d shed”.!
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Where is the good
part in "good-bye"? It
hurts the most when
you can actually feel
your heart breaking.